
Your face always takes centre stage. If you meet other people, they will study your face first. Because we can all read faces like in a book. If someone looks relaxed, healthy, energetic and enterprising to us, it is almost without exception due to a face that looks youthfully firm and beautiful.

As we get older, our skin slackens. Wrinkles form, the cheeks become hollow, lose their elasticity and the facial proportions shift - for example because deep nasolabial wrinkles ("sorrow wrinkles") develop. With a facelift (also called facelifting) you will regain your young, fresh appearance and - depending on the chosen method - you can also maintain it permanently.


ATTENTION: Everyone is unique. This means that the treatment process, planning and outcomes can be different for you. The information you see here is the averages encountered in a large sample size. For details please contact us via WhatsApp: +49 170 5473999

Number of sessions / operations: 1-6 sessions
Duration of the operation: 15 minutes-5 hours
Process of return to work
Healing: none to 3 days
Anesthesia: general anesthesia, local anesthesia or none
Success of the results: 9 months to forever
Hospital stay: 0 to 1 overnight stay

We help you to achieve a naturally youthful appearance:

  • Surgical face lift (medical: "rhytidectomy")
  • Suture lifting (minimally invasive surgery)

As an alternative or in addition to these surgical techniques, we also offer you numerous non-operative methods of face lifting:

  • Liquid lifting
  • Mesolift (mesotherapy for the face)
  • Hifu lifting
  • Thermage
  • INTRAcel process (Mirconeedling)
  • PRP therapy ("vampire lifting")

Face tightening by means of surgery

An operative facelift is always recommended when the main aging of the face has visibly progressed and there are pronounced wrinkles which can no longer be smoothed by cosmetic and other measures such as injections. Our plastic-aesthetic surgeons will help your skin to regain its elasticity and compensate for volume losses on the forehead, cheek and neck with a face lift.

The choice of the surgical technique and the concrete goals to be achieved with the facelift are determined individually. The result, however, is always to restore the fresh and dynamic radiance of earlier years. A face lift is therefore ultimately also a face rejuvenation with which the skin appearance of the face can be reset by about 10 years.


In addition to the natural aging process, smoking, alcohol, stress, a lack of sleep and environmental influences such as UV radiation also lead to a facial skin that lacks elasticity. Diets and frequent weight loss also lead to excess skin tissue and thus to the formation of wrinkles. The changes in the face usually creep in only slowly and over years.

The sagging tissue leads to a shift of volume in individual parts of the face. New "cheeks" appear and deep furrows dig into the face at the same time. Its proportions sometimes change so much that those affected don't like to look at themselves in the mirror any more. At the latest then it is time to find a new quality of life with a facelift.

Facelifting Techniques

Which technique and method of face lifting our surgeons use always depends on the individual condition of the face. However, the principle is the same for all treatments: the face lift is performed in the depth of the subcutis. The relevant skin and muscle structures are tightened during the operation, excess skin is removed and the result is then anchored again and sutured inconspicuously.

Depending on where the face has lost elasticity, the facelift is differentiated according to the problem area:

  • Lower facelift - neck and chin lift
  • Medium facelift - the facelift corrects flabby cheeks and/or the nasolabial fold (a deep furrow between the nose and the corner of the mouth).
  • Upper facelift - here crow's feet, wrinkles on the temples and forehead are smoothed out


Often these different lifting procedures are also performed in one operation. A combination with non-surgical treatments is also possible.

Die Gesichtsstraffung kann an verschiedenen Gesichtspartien ansetzen. Das Bild zeigt ein Gesicht, auf dem mögliche Ansätze für ein Facelift aufgezeichnet werden.
The face lift can be applied to different parts of the face


Often the slackening of the face is caused by a sinking facial muscle. In these cases a SMAS lift is used. The abbreviation stands for the superficial musculoaponeurotic system and describes a fibre or tendon plate that connects the facial muscles with the skin. This connective tissue is lifted in the operation. It is accessed through an incision in the hairline and around the ear, which cannot be seen later. The SMAS lift is often referred to as a classic facelift.

The result of the SMAS lift is a fresh looking face which guarantees full mobility of the facial expression and therefore does not look like a mask. In our beauty clinics, the SMAS-Lift is one of the standard operations that usually run without complications and promise maximum durability of the face lift.

Preparation for classic facelifting surgery (SMAS-Lift)

Before the facelift, a detailed consultation with the surgeon performing the surgery is essential. In this consultation, it is determined which problem areas should be corrected with which methods and techniques. The surgeon will inform you about the exact course of the incision as well as about all possible risks and complications of the operation.

In the preliminary consultation with the doctor, make sure to mention all previous illnesses, allergies, chronic diseases and medication that you regularly take. You should not smoke at least 2 weeks before the operation. Please also avoid taking medications that inhibit blood clotting such as aspirin, vitamin E or ginkgo biloba.

At what age is a facelift recommended?

Most patients who decide to have a facelift have already reached the age of 40. However, there are also younger patients in whom the aging process starts earlier. In these cases, a rather minimally invasive method of facelifting is usually recommended - however, this ultimately always depends on the individual case.

What has to be considered after the operation?

A SMAS lift is an operation that places a lot of strain on the skin, muscles and tissue.

  • In the days following the face lift, you must therefore expect swollen skin and tension in many areas, bruising and a feeling of numbness. However, these symptoms usually disappear within 2 weeks.
  • To drain off the wound water, small drains are sometimes placed, but these are removed the day after the operation.
  • A head bandage must be worn for a few days after the facelift. In addition, the head should initially be kept as still as possible.
  • The stitches are removed between the 6th and 10th day after the operation.
  • In the days following the facelift, pain often occurs, but can be easily controlled with painkillers.
  • Since it takes about 4 to 6 months for the skin to grow back completely, you should not engage in any contact sports during this time.
  • For about 3 months you should avoid longer sitting or even sunbathing.
  • Smoking should be strictly avoided for one month after the operation, otherwise the wound healing process will be impaired.

Risks of facelifting surgery

Since the operation is performed under general anesthesia, the associated risks cannot be ruled out. At our clinic the anaesthesia is always performed and monitored by an experienced anaesthetist.

Other possible complications include postoperative bleeding, wound infections and wound edge necrosis. To avoid these, you should consult a doctor regularly for aftercare. In rare cases, hair growth at the interfaces of the operation may also be impaired.

The costs of a facelift surgery in Germany amount to at least between 5000 and 7000 Euros, depending on the effort, even more. With a health journey to Turkey you save therefore much money.

Minilifting and/or pure skin tightening

Another method of face tightening is less complex, but has the disadvantage that the result lasts less long: The Minilift only tightens the skin. This method is particularly recommended for younger patients who already have sagging skin on their face. The procedure is performed through a small inconspicuous incision behind the ear and is performed on an outpatient basis with local anaesthesia. You can leave the clinic on the same day.

Thread lifting

Thread lifting is also a gentle and minimally invasive procedure. The surgeon makes small incisions in the hairy area of the head through which he can insert tiny needles with sutures under the skin. The sutures are equipped with tiny barbs that lift the tissue so that the facial skin can be brought into the desired shape in this way. The number of sutures required depends on the desired result. The suture lift is performed under local anaesthesia and is performed on an outpatient basis.

Advantage of suture lifting

Immediately after the thread lift you are ready for use again. Only in rare cases do haematomas occur at the injection sites, but they heal quickly. A further advantage of suture lifting is that sutures break down automatically in the body and release skin-tightening collagen. At the same time they stimulate the body's own formation of collagen and thus contribute to a particularly natural skin rejuvenation. The result of this method of face tightening remains effective for up to 18 months. Depending on the type of sutures used, the effect can last much longer.

Risks of suture lifting

This method is not recommended for very thin skin, as the threads can then shine through. Although bruising and inflammation are possible, they are rare in practice.

Teilstück eines fürs Fadenlifting verwendeten Fadens mit Widerhaken
Part of a barbed thread used for thread lifting

Non-operative methods of face tightening

If you do not want to undergo surgery or only want to correct individual problem areas, we offer a wide range of non-operative methods for face lifting. All these methods have in common that they do not cause scars, because no incisions are necessary. The risks associated with general anaesthesia are also completely eliminated. In addition, the desired result is usually immediately visible. The convalescence is rarely longer than 1 day. Last but not least, the costs of all non-invasive methods are far below those of surgery.


In liquid lifting, fillers are placed under the skin to treat wrinkles. The injections freshen up the volume at the desired location. Hyaluronic acid is the most commonly used injection material. The treatment lasts on average only 20 to 30 minutes.

Although very fine injections are used, pain may occur. Therefore, we anaesthetize the areas to be treated with an anaesthetic cream before application. The effect of the anesthesia cream is quickly reduced after the treatment. You can return to work or everyday life immediately after the liquid lifting.

The effect of the liquid lifting usually extends over a period of 9 to 10 months and can be repeated as often as you like afterwards. The method is particularly recommended for all those who wish to fill the area of the zygomatic arches and the midface region, as the effects to be achieved are particularly impressive here.

Mesotherapy in the face (Mesolift)

The principle of mesotherapy is similar to that of acupuncture and is based on the fact that the active substances are introduced into problem zones with a fine needle (an electrical mesotherapy device is used). The physical stimulation of the needles improves the effect of the substances introduced. Hyaluron and biological agents are mainly used for face tightening. The effect is a natural anti-aging, which gives them a fresh radiance.

Mesolifting lasts about 20 minutes per application and should be repeated several times. The number of applications always depends on the initial condition. we recommend 3 to 4 treatments in the first month and 1 further session in each of the following 3 to 4 months.

HIFU-Lifting (Ultrasound Lifting)

HIFU-Lifting uses microfocused ultrasound. The ultrasound impulses are bundled in such a way that they penetrate deep into the skin where so-called coagulation points form. These stimulate the formation of collagen and elastin fibres in the connective tissue which rejuvenate the skin image. The HIFU-Lifting penetrates into depths which otherwise can only be reached with the SMAS-Lift.

Ultrasound lifting is particularly effective for face lifting to correct sagging cheeks, a double chin and sagging cheeks and neck areas.

The treatment is carried out with a local anaesthetic in the form of a cream. During the sessions you may feel a slight tingling sensation as well as heat formation. A rest phase is not necessary: Immediately after the ultrasound treatment you can return to your everyday life. Any redness that may occur can usually be easily covered with a little make-up. Only one session of approx. 30 to 45 minutes is necessary. The visible result is achieved after 1 to 2 months and lasts for 1 to 2 years.

The HIFU-Lifting is not suitable for persons ...

  • with skin infections (e.g. herpes)
  • with pacemaker or stents
  • with poor wound healing
  • with autoimmune disease
  • with diabetes or epilespie
  • as well as for children and pregnant women

Thermage skin tightening for the face

Thermage is a patented, monopolar radiofrequency treatment for tightening skin areas, which can also be used very well for contouring the face. The non-invasive method smoothes wrinkles and tightens "hanging cheeks" or "turkey necks". During the treatment, the Thermage handpiece is placed on the respective skin region. The radio frequency gently warms the underlying skin layer.

In this way, the subcutaneous tissue is stimulated and stimulated to form collagen. The skin regenerates in a natural way and feels youthfully fresh again. A Thermage application for the face usually lasts between 30 and 45 minutes. The effect of the face tightening is clearly visible after about 1 - 2 months, in rare cases only after up to 6 months and then lasts up to 2 years.

Thermage is suitable for all skin types. The best results are achieved by patients between 30 and 60 years without skin damage. On the other hand, severely discoloured or collapsed skin can no longer be reached with the radio frequencies. Side effects occur only rarely with the Thermage therapy. Reddening, swelling or blistering of the treated skin are possible. These symptoms, however, disappear only a few days after the radiofrequency treatment.

INTRAcel - Radio Frequency Microneedling

Similar to the Thermage therapy, the INTRAcel face tightening also works with radio frequencies. However, these frequencies are inserted into the skin with fine gold needles at a depth of about 0.5 to 2 mm. There they warm up the dermis as well as the subcutaneous tissue and thus stimulate the natural formation of new collagen. Visible effects can be seen after about 3 to 6 weeks.

Our experience with the microneedling shows that the INTRAcel procedure can also be used to treat skin impurities, acne scars, broom tears and cracks in the facial skin very well. There are no known side effects of the treatment.

About 2 weeks before the treatment you should refrain from taking blood-thinning painkillers such as acetylsalicylic acid. Immediately before application, the region to be treated is locally anaesthetized with a cream. The therapy usually lasts about 30 minutes. Please discuss with your doctor how often the microneedling should be repeated. After a rest day you are fully operational again. The result of the INTRAcel treatment lasts about 1 to 3 years.

PRP treatment (vampire lifting: face lifting with autologous blood)

we also offer the self-blood PRP plasma therapy for wrinkle treatment on the face. PRP is the abbreviation for "platelet-rich plasma". This plasma is extracted from the patient's blood, hence the name Draculatherapie or Vampirlifting. The plasma obtained is highly concentrated and contains many platelets (blood without blood cells). These stimulate the body's own growth factors particularly well.

PRP therapy therefore effectively stops the aging process and rejuvenates the skin. The natural formation of collagen and elastin is stimulated. Sick, dying cells are replaced quickly enough. As a result, the appearance of the skin improves visibly. The skin becomes firmer, firmer and smoother.

The "vampire lifting" is suitable for everyone who wants to maintain or improve their natural skin appearance. The blood collection, its preparation and the insertion of the PRP plasma take place on the same day. Recommended are 4 to 6 sessions. A local anaesthetic is used to relieve the pain of the micro injections. At the latest after a rest day you can go back to your everyday life. The visible effect of the plasma therapy remains with you for about 1 year.